Thursday 2 December 2021

My T4 Session 2 Writing

 Hi everyone my name is Byesion and I have completed my session 2 writing! I hope you like it. If you have done something like this. Or this exact lesson. if you can please link yours in a comment. Bye!

Friday 26 November 2021

My Beg,Mid,End Writing!

 Hi everyone! I'm Byesion and I would like to share my work of a beginning middle and end writing! I really liked writing it. Have you done something like this? If so please  send me the hyperlink in a comment! Bye!

Wednesday 10 November 2021

My Write To Describe Slides!

 Hi everyone my name is Byesion and I made some descriptive writing(for schoolwork). I havent completely finished yet. I hope that you enjoy it. I'll see you next time Bye!

Tuesday 9 November 2021

My Fact File On The Albino Kiwi!

Hi everyone my name is Byesion and im going to show you my bird fact file. See ya!

Thursday 4 November 2021

Sourcing Media Slides!

 Hi everyone my name is Byesion and I will be sharing my sourcing media slides. Here they are hope to see you next time! Bye.

Friday 29 October 2021

My Story About a Teleporting Door

 Hi everyone my name is Byesion and here is my story about a teleporting door. Bye!

Thursday 28 October 2021

My Get to know me poster!

Hi everyone I'm Byesion. I'm going to share my get to know me blog post!  I hope you like it. What

are your hobbies?. Bye!

Wednesday 27 October 2021

Replying To Blog Comments!

 Hi everyone it's Byesion. Here is my post about replying to blog comments.  In this slideshow I replied to three comments and screenshot them and put them on the slide. Do you reply on your comments? Bye!

Sunday 24 October 2021

How To Write A Quality Blog Comment!

Hi everyone its Byesion with a how to write a qaulity bog comment. I dont know if I have to do anything with these slides (Please inform me if so.). But apart  from that it will be me signing of. See ya next time. Bye!

Thursday 21 October 2021

My first Cybersmart Lesson Of Term 4!

Hello everyone its Byesion back again with a cybersmart blog post! I have improved one of my old blogpost's to make it a better qaulity. Can you find out what blog post I improved? Here I'll give you a hint. Desert... Good luck! And take care. Until next time bye!

Monday 18 October 2021

Term 4 Begins After A Long Two Weeks!

Hey everybody It's Byesion back in action at the begining of term 4! I'm happy and gutted at the same time. Hopefully we can go back to school soon. What are you looking forawrd to this term? If you are at all that is! Bye!!

Monday 4 October 2021

The Teleporting Door...

 Hi everyone its me again with my third writing task! yet again I spent a lot of time and effort into this and I truly hope that you will enjoy reading my work. So until we met again. Bye.

Friday 1 October 2021

The Sandman!

 Hi everybody here is my next writing task I hope you like it! I spent quite alot of time on this project of mine. Have you done something similar like this? Bye!

Thursday 30 September 2021

My Writing Task!

 Hi everyone it is Byesion and for the last week of school we have a writing task here is my take on it. Bye!

Monday 27 September 2021

My Prototec Certificate. STAGE 8!!!


Hi everybody its Byesion. Here is my Prototec for today. I did this on stage 8 if you didn't read the title. Here is the certificate Goodbye!

Volcano Project Part 9!


Hi It's Byesion. Sorry for the long wait on the blog posts! But here it is. The last part of the Volcano Project! hope to see you in the next one. BYE!.


Wednesday 22 September 2021

Volcano Project Part 8!

 Hi everybody it is Byesion and I am here to showcase my take on the part 8! of our volcano tasks. If you think I could of done better on anything please let me know in your PTQ comment. See ya in the next one. BYE!

Sunday 19 September 2021

Volcano Project Part 7!

 Hi this is Byesion. I am going to show you my volcano project. Part 7! See ya next time! Bye.

Thursday 16 September 2021

Volcano Part 6!

 Hi its Byesion! Im here showcasing my volcano project part 6! I hope you'll enjoy it! Goodbye!

Monday 13 September 2021

Volcano Part 5!

 Hi its Byesion and this my volcano project(PART 5!!!) I really hope you like it. BYE!

Sunday 5 September 2021

Volcano Project part 4!

 Hi I'm Byesion and Here is my Part 4 of my vocano project. I really hope you like it. See ya next time everyone. Bye!

Friday 3 September 2021

Volcano Part 3

 Hi im Byesion and here is the part 3 of my volcano project hope you enjoy it. Bye!

Sunday 29 August 2021

Volcano Project PART 2!!!!

 Hi my name is Byesion and Here is part 2 of my volcano project. What is your favourite type of volcano? I'd like to know.  I hope you like them. BYE!

Thursday 26 August 2021

My Auckland And Beyond Slides!


Hi my name is Byesion and I am going to share my Auckland and beyond slides. I have a question for you. Where in the world would you like to visit and also where in Auckland you would like to visit. I hope you like the slides! Bye.


Monday 23 August 2021

My volcano Project!

 Hi Im Byesion and I am going to share the beginning of my Volcano work! it is about what are volcanoes and what are the different parts. Are you doing something like this in your class? let me know by commenting on this blog post. BYE!


Friday 13 August 2021

A Piece Of Work I Am Proud Of


Hi I'm Byesion and I will be sharing a piece of work I am proud of. My New writing piece about a video called "Coin Operated". This video is about a little boy who wants to be an astronaut and is determined to do so. But I wont go into detail about it because you can watch it yourself with This Link. Check it out and you will know much more about it. Have you done something about Coin Operated before? Bye!

Friday 6 August 2021

Our Next Teacher!

 Hi I'm Byesion. The (not so new) Ms Mills will be coming back to school to teach room 8 once again! But sadly that means that Mr Moore is leaving which I am very sad about...... Back to the happy stuff! I am so excited to be taught by Ms Mills. She is an amazing teacher!  We have been reading a novel called "Under The Mountain". We started reading this term! But if I had to make a prediction about it. Then I would have to say that Mr Jonsey will task Theo and Rachel with a fantasy type task. They might have to take down the mysterious Wilbur Forces! I'm sure that either they are the antagonists. Or the antagonist has been watching them throughout the story. Bye!

Thursday 5 August 2021

My Oral Language for wairaka

 Hi my name is Byesion and I made an oral language about wairaka. It was pretty hard to build up the courage to make it. But apart from that it was a blast to make. My grading are in the slides It was made back in Term two. Here is  My oral language project Have you done something similar or just like this before? I would really LOVE to know. Bye!

Wednesday 4 August 2021

My WIP scratch project.

 Hi I'm Byesion and here is my scratch project about making a positive blog comment. Do you have any feedback for it? Is there something you think I could improve on? It would be really good if you could comment what i should do! My scratch project was very easy to do. Bye! 

Tuesday 27 July 2021

The Power Of Yet.

Hi I'm Byesion and I'm going to explain to you about the power of yet. I actually did this in 2020 were I did the Mojo series T
he Power Of Yet basiccly means that if you can do it know that doesn't mean that You can't ever. I don't ever ask for help. I really never do. I have to improve on it. I really need to improve on asking for help. Have you done something like this before? Tell me in the comments. BYE! 

Friday 9 July 2021

My Term 2 Reflection Post!!!

 Hi I'm Byesion and I'm am going to explain my success in term 2. Maths is my favourite subject. I really love it. In maths we learned how to turn improper fractions into mixed numbers and the other way around. We also had the Kainga Ora Visit. It was when people came and taught us about construction. We did a game called "Pipe Dream" I got the highest score! They also let us ride a construction truck and a digger! I loved our basketball tournament as  well. It was really fun! That is my success
in term 2! Bye!

Monday 28 June 2021


 Hi I'm Byesion and I am going to explain what I think life is gonna be like one hundred years in the future! I really think that the future will look more automated then any time before. A select few would most probably be picked to test the greenhouse colonisation on mars. it will be a robotic future. simple things like cooking,building,power generating and even opening and closing things like doors and curtains will slowly become easy by voice recognition. Poor will be considered living in a 2 story house.  But with all the pros. there are cons.

The cons of the future would be that number one, things would become very very expensive. Probably a triple in normal prices! Meaning a trip to Mc Donald s will cost around one hundred dollars or more. That thirty million dollar pent house will start to look cheap because a normal house would cost almost four million dollars. Power outages will be almost fatal. because everything in the everyday 2117 household will be fully automated. it will be almost impossible to operate. If a long power outage suddenly across a long area could make panic throughout the area. Making your low battery phone situation seem puny. Are body and exoskeleton will change. evolution will make humans dependant on tech. Without you could go crazy way faster. the O zone will also become a problem. it will slowly start to fade.

Some things just won't change. These things are like the forever load of Bad people that are being dumped on this amazing world. littering, criminals, jails, mental and physical disability's will all be the same. You can't change them.

I'll sing off now, bye!

Friday 25 June 2021

The Traffic Light Learner Lesson!!!

 Hi I'm Byesion and if you haven't been on my blog before hi! If you have... Welcome back! Today we were learning about what a quality blog post would normally look like. it includes a Traffic Light Presentation to show what it looks like. you need. good punctuation, spelling and your images/videos doesn't cover up any typing. We looked at different people. Everyone looked at one person. I looked at Mapa's Blog. Then we had to say how we did on the Traffic Light Slides. Then once we have done that, we use the information to comment on there blog. This is what she was posting about below this text. Have you done something like this before? Did you find a mistake? Tell me in the comments... BYE


Wednesday 23 June 2021


 Hi it's Byesion and I am explaining a sport you haven't seen before, an activity unknown to most. This is called Dragon Boat Tug Of War. Its a very unique sport. It's a sport that is just like tug of war. but it's paddle not pull... You also have to do it on the water. There are six people on each side of the boat. There is a line and if you cross it you are the winner. that is how you play it now enjoy the slideshow! Do you know a sport thats as weird and unique as this? BYE!

Thursday 17 June 2021


 Hi I'm Byesion and I translated my short story into a whole different language! I changed my story about the famous escape artist Yoshie Shiratori. I don'5t want to go into to too much detail but lets just say... he was a mastermind. Anyways enjoy the story! BYE!

This is the story of one of the best escape artists in the world. Yoshie Shiratori He escaped three prisons!  One of them being the “Inescapable”cell. It had armed soldiers watching him at all times. They didn’t even bother with hand-cuffs. The cell doors and windows were even smaller than his head. The walls were steel so he couldn't rust them easily. He was forever looking up at the ceiling of the prison cell. A few months later it looked as if he had given up. Even the guards went. One day though he wouldn’t listen to the guards even after several times being told to get up. They came in the cell but all they saw in the bed was a load of loose floor boards. The floor was wood so he put the bed on top of the loose floorboards and day by day he got closer to the outside. He dug with a soup bowl. He had finally escaped.The man was finally at peace. The End…




My Production EXPERIENCE!!

 Hi I'm Byesion and recently our whole school did one giant production. t was about two yogurt containers that split up. one goes all the way over to the beehive, the other one goes to owairaka school there were three shows two were at night and one was in the day. We were the fourth people to go on stage. so we didn't have to wait long to get into the action. we were acting as business man on a busy day. there were three main characters in our scene. the dad and two businesswoman that were eating there lunch out front of the beehive. contact my teacher Thomas Moore if you'd like to see the actual performance(if you don't mind a baby crying in the background of course!). That is it for my blog post about production! Before I end it of, if you were in the school, what was your favourite scene? Which one was yours? Anyways thats it for me. BYE!

Tuesday 15 June 2021


 Hi I'm Byesion and we did a PB4L lesson about showing empathy. its really important to show empathy to others because you never know what someone is going through. Don't jump to harsh conclusions before knowing whats going on when your not there. they might be going through a really hard time at home and your just making it worse by taking really rudely to them.

 One of the characters from our 2 storys was a girl named Phyills. She used to be a really respected student. But then she moved to the South Islands because her mum had work to do there. Then when she came back from the South Islands she was a different person all together. At first she acted quietly, and didn't talk much. Then she started to act really really rude. She started to talk back to the teacher alot. all of her all old friends were in a new class, didn't want to be friends with her or moved out of the school. She also started to bring things that were strictly banned from the school. Chewing gum, we weren't told the school rules in the story but it says in the story "Phyills, please get rid of that chewing gum."

Here is something really simple for you to remember, never jump to conclusions that might hurt others. learn what they are going through when they are at home. they might be getting hurt from there parents or siblings which makes them think its just fine to let all her anger and hate to his parents. On to the people around her. There are even people I know falling in to this sad situation. The place you can find this is in the room 8 inquiry page. Once you are there scroll down until you find the PB4L modelling book this is going to wrap up my blog post about being empathetic to the people around you. Bye!!

this is a video about showing empathy to others!

Thursday 3 June 2021

The Kainga Ora Visit!!!

 Kia Ora my name is Byesion and today we had a visitor called Kainga Ora. We went to 6 stations. These are some of the pictures. there was a digger as one of the sessions. We were even allowed to go inside of it and sound the horn. There was even a huge truck! I hope you like them. What was your favourite session? Bye!

Wednesday 2 June 2021


 Hi Everybody Im Byesion from Owairaka District School. Today we looked at two peoples blog posts first one was David Williams. then Remy. than we had to make these slides I hope you like them. Do I have to change anything? BYE!

Friday 21 May 2021

Sina And the Eel. THE FINALE

 Hi my name is Byesion and I am posting my Sina & The Eel slides. I'm posting this a little late because I've already proofread this twice. I like these slides. This took a very long time to make so please don't read it in 5 seconds and say finished. Because it took me very long to make it.BYE!!!

My Favourite Toolkit. TINKERCAD!!!!!

 Hi my name is Byesion. My absolute favourite toolkit was about a website called "Tinkercad". It was about designing things to your very hearts content. I really like the game because there are no limits to what you can create. here is what I made. What did I do wrong? BYE!!!

Wednesday 12 May 2021

Me and Etenas Pick a Path Slide

Hi if your new to my blog hi I'm Byesion if your not hi again! This is me and Etenas pick a path we learned about what we should share and what we shouldn't. is there anything you think we could pick up on?  Anything we missed? give us some things to improve on please!  until next time BYE!!! 

Friday 16 April 2021

My Success Criteria For Term 1

 Hi if you don't know me I'm Byesion! If you do then well... Hi! I'm explaining my success criteria! I have achieved success in many ways this term but I'm only explaining a few. Here they are. my typing has gotten much faster and my writing has more quality than once before. Same with my reading. My maths in general has gotten much better. Here is an example. That's what my success criteria is for Term 1.

My Scratch Toolkit

 Hi My name is Byesion and I am showing to all of you my scratch toolkit. My toolkit if you haven't read the title is about scratch. The tool kits were made to teach young ones the things our leaders know (such as myself). Other schools will come to you to be taught by people the same age or older then themselves! Teachers dont interfere because the students are the teachers. Here is mine BYE!!! 

Friday 19 March 2021

How has our backyard evolved overtime?????

 Hi I'm Byesion and I'm explaining -  How has our backyard has evolved over time? 

In the very beginning, only the Maori lived in New Zealand. There were very few buildings compared to today. There were forests that towered over us. Technology was very limited and animals were flooding the forests, seas and skies. New Zealand was at a starting point.

 Later on in the evolution more buildings were built, livestock was starting to be created,British settlers were coming to New Zealand. Overall, New Zealand had its first evolution.

 Trudging along New Zealand had a big change that included a severe decrease in forests and an increase in population . Bricks and cement became more commonly used in  footpaths and buildings. The first computers,cars,flip phones and video games became more popular.

The next evolution was made. Cars became more common,livestock became amazingly huge, the first I phones and android phones were created, electronics overall started to become more recognised as not just a calling only flip phone. but something to download and try out different games and apps.

The current evolution is where we are now. Electric cars are becoming more noticed to save the few remaining forests around in New Zealand, people all over the world started to come in New Zealand. Refugees coming to be welcomed with the start of a new life. Factories's all over the world were becoming bigger and bigger to the point where there buildings became too big to be moved ever!

That is the evolution of New Zealand. BYE!!!

Friends Blogs: Carlos's Blog,Christians Blog,Levi's Blog and Etena's Blog

My Class Blog

Monday 15 March 2021


 Hi it's Byesion and this blog post is about standing strong. I really hope you like what I did. The standing strong slides where composed of three different stories. The first one was about the Paralympics star. His name is Liam Malone. His story was that he needed a faster way to run. So his whole neighbourhood started a campaign to buy him running blades. He now takes his athletics seriously. That's just one of the stories so please read the other ones. BYE!!! Featured Blog

Friday 12 March 2021

Jacinda Arden's Plan to Save the Maui Dolphins!!!!

 Hi I'm Byesion and the arguably most famous New Zealander in the world. Jacinda Ardern, has vowed to protect the last of the population of Maui dolphins. There are only 63 left in the whole of New Zealand. They are going to do this by tracking where they are so that they have the right protection in the right places. The New Zealand kids might send more letters that really help the process. If you'd like more information click this link to view the article on Kea Kids News. What do you think about Jacinda's plan to save the Maui dolphins? They have a drone to help out in all of this. BYE!!! Featured Blog

Monday 8 March 2021


Hi I'm Byesion and here is my little lock down slide show I call it the pros and cons of lock down I think I did well. Comment how I did I'd really appreciate it if you were to post a comment that answers this one question. What do you think about lock down? Bye!

Thursday 4 March 2021

Are You in the Right place at the right Time???

 Hi it's Byesion and I'm going to do a weekend post and Saturday and Sunday. anyways this post is all about cyber smart. Phil (from Ako Hiko.) I have put together places that you can be in the right place and at the right time. Bye