Monday 18 October 2021

Term 4 Begins After A Long Two Weeks!

Hey everybody It's Byesion back in action at the begining of term 4! I'm happy and gutted at the same time. Hopefully we can go back to school soon. What are you looking forawrd to this term? If you are at all that is! Bye!!


  1. Hi Byesion, it was really good to see everyone yesterday. Fingers crossed for school coming back soon. In term 4, I'am looking forward to to everyone again and getting a haircut. How about you?

    1. Me to! I really am hoping that I can finally get a hair cut and go to school. Seeing everyone with my own eyes will also be amazing! Bye Mr P!

  2. Hi it’s Zac from owairaka school here, I really like your post about getting back to school, I am also pretty gutted about noot getting to go in the classroom. I'm hoping that we can still do all the stuff that we can normally in term 4. Check out my blog at Zac’s Blog blog you later!

    1. Hi Zac! Thanks for the positive comment! Im also quite sad that we arent able to enter the class. Hopefully we can soon! Do you have a goal for this term? Bye Zac!

  3. Fakaalofa lahi atu Byesion, great to see you blogging again this term. We hope to see everyone back at school soon. In the meantime, I look forward to seeing more of your work online.
    (Yes, I need a haircut too!)


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