Tuesday 2 June 2020

Absract Art

here is my abstract art it took a long while to finish i just put pattern's on pattern's and thinking about thinking about pattern's! but in the end it's done


  1. Talofa lava Byesion my name is Melnina and I am in room 25 I really like your abstract art it looks very nice!

    Thanks for sharing your learning
    Blog you later

    1. Talofa Lava Melnina. Thanks for your comment on my abstract art. Here's 2 problems I had while making this .1. The background colours because there where not too many colours to work with so I had to mix colours with grey or white sometimes even both! .2. Thinking of what colours I should use and to be honest I didn't know what I was doing. Anyways that's all and keep commenting doesn't have to be my blog it could be any blog just comment it's nice to see what other people think about your blog posts. Anyway bye😁

  2. Hi Byesion Nice job On your abstract art
    Blog you later

  3. Kia Ora Byesion. I'm Abdi from room 25. What a Brilliant Abstract Art you've made. I really like your use of colors making the abstract art unique and nice. Thanks for sharing!
    Check out My Blog
    Blog ya later


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