Tuesday 5 May 2020

covid-19 recap

all the restraunts you could think of have closed but at least malls are still open.Right?

so basically we are pretty lucky on covid-19 but it still haunts me that we have to live with this pandemic for a whole four weeks I mean think of how many time I have to cook food instead of an uber dropping it of for me im doomed

whats the meaning of this why do we have to stay inside why can we not just make a big rebellion and make the prime minister give in I just wanna go back to how the things where no one is going outside at least I am or I'm not supposed to I just want everything to go back the way it was. Going to the mall going to burger king please covid-19 stop


.......... I mean gotta think positive at least elderly are not dying left right and center so I mean the only things I can do is practice doing thing play on my pc and whatch youtube

yes its finally gonna be over level 4 lockdown will stop. Yes yes yesssssss I can finally go an eat kfc and burger king yes I wanna go out on the street and scream to the top of my lungs saying LEVEL 3!!

life of a man in covid-19


  1. This is a really interesting post Byesion. I like how you have given us a timeline of comments. We all go through different emotions so it's not really possible to sum up our feelings in one simple comment. You are right, New Zealand has been super lucky compared to other countries. Today is the second day in a row that we have had no new cases so all our hard work is paying off. Until you can get out and about maybe you could visit some of your favourite places virtually. Where will you visit I wonder? bye : )

  2. Hi Byesion and that was pretty cool typing and interesting typing and some of your writing is cool cool cool. Keep on going.

    1. kia ora Kuki COKE YT Christian and I'll tell you a littile roadblocker in the process its THAT I COULDN'T SEARCH UP PEOPLE'S EXPERINCE why exactlly it's because I gotta try and put 4 diffrent prespectives in 1 day that is 1 DAY to finish 4 prespectives. In one day it is is really hard to do espeacillay since I just wanna relax and do other stuff instead. Anyways that all I have in my brain so Bye

  3. Kia ora, Byesion. I really enjoyed reading your post about lockdown and hearing your perspective. As Megan said, we all go through different emotions and it isn't easy to sum up our feelings in one comment. We all miss being able to do different things as well. I really miss being able to spend time with friends and family, so I am looking forward to when were are able to do that again. What thing are you most looking forward to being able to do again?


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