Friday 25 September 2020

please click this(Maori Legend post)


Ho Ho Ho end of the term comes by like a fly but hits like a truck this is going to be my last blog post until school holidays. The bumpy road it has been for Kauri for the past term has been quite the roller coaster. It's kind of like making a cake but you forget an ingredient. No takers? no? ok. my story is about gods and Maori myths kind of like the big bang theory but it's not a TV show. In detail it's about Papatuanuku and Rangi-Nui having many sons then they push them apart... I won't spoil the rest though this was as surprising as when I found out how some things are really made.

1 comment:

  1. Kia Ora Byesion, yes Term 3 did have more ups and downs... I like how you have thought about the significance in the wider world, of the myth we looked at. I also think myths can tell universal stories in entertaining and interesting ways. Next time you could remember to press the enter key before you start your text so it doesn't sit at the side of the slides (I think it looks more visually tidy that way).
    Did you enjoy recording your own version of the story? bye, Megan


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